[Mac] - Lifofinn - $2.99 - Free Today!

Developer: 斌 虞
Price: $29.99+
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Serious-small code editor

Code runner and debugger

Enjoy edit code with an ultra small code editor.

Lifofinn, LFF, the name means a fire bird that can rebirth and rise again from the ashes or a joke meaning, Lifo-finn, Finn last in, first out. This tiny code editor was originally developed to provide a native scripting language debugging environment that seamlessly integrated with C and C++, designedly made for Lua and mruby development at the beginning. After years of development, it already supports debugging code for C, C++, Lua, mruby, Ruby, AWK, Tcl, Python, Perl, PHP, Java, Go, Rust, Erlang, Elixir, OCaml and Haskell, and can be easily extended to support any programming language. This small dev tool was designed for efficient programming, makes programming feels light, simple and free. It not only has an efficient code navigation and call routines tracing ability but also has a very flexible design that helps user to extend it to support special developing requirements in a comfortable and efficient way.

Fav features:


* Seamlessly integrated with shell, syntax checking and run code that written with any programming language instantly.

* Run arbitrary shell command and scripts that written with any programming language within editor instantly.

* Simultaneously editing multiple version of a project side-by-side in parallel editing mode.

* Efficiently manage multiple programming language based on projects and multiple version of a project with huge number of files in workspace.

* Easily customised to support any programming language and document type, symbol parsing, syntax highlighting, code formatting and debugging.

* Index symbols across different programming languages for fast typing and jumping, especially multiple-language-mixed project developing and document writing.

* Auto-completion and jump-to-definition across different programming languages.

* High performance searching for very big projects with powerful filters.

* Cache every searching result for fast locating code lines.

* Show colour diff with editing actions instantly.

* Powerful insisted bookmark management.

* Powerful builtin code formatter (code beautifier).

* Builtin web browser for programming references, online manual, version control, file preview etc.

* Smoothly edit multiple files that written in different programming languages simultaneously.

* Builtin high performance JSON editor, fast edit and pretty JSON files.

* Efficiently manage working on files across exit, re-launch and project switching.

* Preview all kinds of files, SVG, Markdown, PDF, Office documents, RTF, man pages, audio and video etc.

* SQL, R, Dart, Kotlin, TypeScript, Swift also supported, almost all common programming language and document types.


Why say no to big softwares?


Big runtime is unacceptable.

Huge dependencies is unacceptable.

Boring configurations is unacceptable.

Emphasise small software is never too much!

An extremely small code editor is the design goal of Lifofinn to pursue, and also the design philosophy of this unique utility. Most of the code editors on macOS are very heavy, bulky! But Lifofinn code editor is really really ultra light. Why small software is so important in software industry, thinking about the infrastructure softwares that written with C and most of them have a very small footprint. Big software waste time to maintain, wast big storage and runtime memory, waste energy, waste time to upload and download. It's waste people's life! Waste resource of the planet! Every desktop developer should known one thing, the embedded system developers sometime even fighting for one byte of storage in some situation. They never think about memory and storage like embedded system developers and produce garbage based on big garbage, so more and more big monster there. They make software as big as possible, as complex as possible, but some people still believe in the opposite philosophy.