[Steam] - Blasting Courier - For a Limited Time Only!

Blasting Courier
Blasting Courier
Developer: VOIGON
Price: 0
  • Blasting Courier Screenshot
  • Blasting Courier Screenshot
  • Blasting Courier Screenshot
  • Blasting Courier Screenshot
  • Blasting Courier Screenshot
  • Blasting Courier Screenshot

You take the role of a medieval courier tasked with the quest of delivering important letters to kings and queens (they usually reside in castles). However, your path is not easy. You have to avoid deadly mines that can blast you to the stars and back.

In Blasting Courier you control a 2D top-down character. You can control that character with the WASD keys or the arrow keys. The primary goal is to reach the unique castle per level. You can also flag the mines, so you can avoid them better.
Compete with friends and see who is the best medieval messenger.
Levels are procedurally generated and only limited by the specs of your computer.

If you have any ideas, please visit our Discord server or our subreddit! We can talk about it and probably get it into the game.
Don't forget to leave a review no matter what the rating is. Constructive criticism goes a long way!