[Android] - My Calculator - $0.99 - Free Today!

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Unknown app
Developer: APP NFUSION
Price: Free
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  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot
  • Unknown app Screenshot

A beautiful simple with material design calculator that support all the main mathematical operations

Features :-

1- Ad free
2- Fully material design
3- Precision operations
4- Automatic rounding for the result
5- Two row for input and result to have more clear view of what's going on the screen
6- Multiple operations
7- Tablet optimized layout
8- Lightweight app size and memory usage
9- Simple UI for easy access
10- Support multiple languages and numeral systems
11- Multi Theme Support