[iPhone] - Playlistlist - $1.99 - Free Today!

Developer: Bria Curry
Price: Free+
  • ‎Playlistlist Screenshot
  • ‎Playlistlist Screenshot
  • ‎Playlistlist Screenshot

Keep track of your playlists

Playlistlist gives you a chronological timeline of changes that you make to your playlists. Currently, we support Apple Music, with Spotify support on the way*. You can suggest more music providers via the app.

*Spotify support has been implemented AND is fully functional, but Spotify needs to review Playlistlist first which will take some time. Since Spotify support has been implemented, once Spotify reviews the app, Spotify support will be available without an app update required. You can request to be notified once Spotify support is added by tapping on the "Spotify - Coming Soon" card in Settings and the Login screen.