[iPhone] - 1% Habit - $1.99 - Free Today!

‎1% Habit
‎1% Habit
Developer: Stephen Coffey
Price: $0.99
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot
  • ‎1% Habit Screenshot

The app that helps you improve by 1% every day. You can start a habit, quit a habit, and add as many as you want. Every time you complete a habit it will improve your count by 1%.


While there are many incredible habit tracking apps on the App Store already, they all essentially do the same thing - they allow you to track the same habit over and over again. While doing the same thing over and again is definitely a good thing, it can ultimatley plateau your growth.


The 1% Habit App allows you to improve your habits by 1% every time you complete a habit. It compounds your habits so that you don't stay stagnant.

It can help you start a new habit or it can help you quit a habit you want to get rid of.

For example, say you want to start doing push-ups. You can start at 10 push-ups and in three months you could be at 25 push-ups - that's a 150% improvement (assuming you improve by 1% every day)! Or say you want to quit smoking. If you start at 10 cigarettes a day, you could be down to 0 in ten months by decreasing your cigarette count by 1% every day. So instead of going cold turkey you can gradually quit your bad habit.


- 1% Habit does not keep track of streaks. So there is no pressure to complete your habit every day (We all need a day off). As a result of not keeping track of streaks, you can go above and beyond and can complete your habit multiple times within a day (for those days when you are feeling it).

- Navigation is simple. You tap to complete a habit (this improves your habit count by 1%). You swipe right to undo a habit completion. And you swipe left to delete a habit.

- Private: 1% habit does not collect any data. So your habits are for your eyes only.


I am an independent developer who currently lives in Texas. And this is my first ever app to build!

I am thrilled that you would consider purchasing 1% Habit!


- This app is subjective to your preferences. For example, when adding a new habit you will type in a name and select a starting number. But what that number means is up to you. For example, say you want to start doing squats. You could start at a count of 5. But the number 5 could be 5 squats or 5 minutes, depending on what meaning you want to give to the number.

- Currently this app only offers count based habits and allows you to start at any number from 1 to 100, with increments of 1. I would like to add additional functions in the future such as adding the ability to create time based habits. Updates will come as I improve in my ability as a developer.


Put simply, I am an independent app developer and I am trying to make a living. It would mean the world to me if you purchased 1% Habit.

As long as this app costs something to you the user I am committing to continually making this app better. I also do not build apps that I don't personally use. This app was built out of the idea of not wanting to be stagnant. Before creating this app, I used an Excel spreadsheet that increased my habits by 1% every time I completed one.

© 2024 Stephen Coffey

Thank you to Simon Bachmann for the confetti package. See below for the confetti license.

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Bachmann

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights

to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell

copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is

furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all

copies or substantial portions of the Software.