[iPhone] - Bits and Bobs - $0.99 - Free Today!

A simple but powerful app to keep track of your collections — a tracker for your personal items, experiences, and goals.

We all have little things we want to keep track of. Maybe you’re looking to keep a record of your most prized possessions, a catalog of your vintage memorabilia, or your proudest collection of figurines. A top-10 list for your favorite movies you’ve watched or restaurants you’ve tried. Maybe a list of souvenirs from your favorite places you’ve visited, or even a checklist of all the places you want to visit in the future. Whatever you’re collecting, Bits & Bobs can help.

Create a new collection in the app, and then add all the items in your collection to it. You might opt for a checklist – which lets you keep track of which items you have and which you don’t – or a ranking – which assigns numbers to each item so you can rank your favorites.

You can write descriptions for each item, put in images, and add tags to filter them by. There’s also item attributes – properties of whatever you’re collecting. They can be numerical, text-based, or true/false. With each item having its own value, you can sort all the items in the collection, group them together by their attributes, or filter for certain values.

We hope the app will be useful to you in keeping track of your own bits and bobs!