Scroll down to see some usage examples.
● Do you enjoy long videos full of boring content? ● Do you like to waste time editing videos? ● No? ● Dideye is your answer.
● Dideye travels back in time! This enables you to record only the really interesting moments and skip the boring parts.
● Be the one who can calmly wait for that special moment to take place, and only then start recording it.
● Dideye goes back in time to capture the moment for you.
● Pause. Record some more. Keep extending your video.
Special features:
● Continue recording previously made videos.
● Hold the device upright, yet record landscape videos.
• After the in-app purchase, Dideye becomes equal in functionality to Dideye Pro.
• Note that Dideye only supports continuing videos that were recorded with Dideye.
• Visit for FAQ.
Use Dideye to record:
- your baby's funny or cute faces.
- your kid's funny or memorable moments.
Or use it to record:
- when a rally car takes that turn or makes that jump.
- when a player scores, commits a foul, or celebrates a victory.
Use Dideye to record:
- the most relevant parts of a conversation.
Use it to record someone performing a stunt. Like a:
- motocross racer, skater, biker, surfer, etc...
Dideye can also be very helpful for coaches of any sport:
- As a coach you will easily be able to record your students' moves, to better show them what they are doing.
Dideye is also a vlogger "must have":
- As a vlogger you will be able to start recording right the moment you speak or the moment you aim to show something on the screen.