[Android] - LilySlim Weight Tracker - $1.99 - Free Today!

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Developer: Lilypie
Price: Free
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Regularly enter your weight to track your weight changes over time without worrying that your data is being collected by us or shared with 3rd parties. Every day you can enter as many values as you like and the daily minimum and maximum value are displayed as a chart.

Data is recorded on your device only. The information does not leave your device. This means:

No login is required.
Your data is as secure as your own device.
Each device is a unique data store, your data isn't automatically backed up or copied.

The More > Backup feature can be used to backup your data to a data file (recommended).

The More > Restore feature can be used to transfer your data to a new device, or to restore it. You will need to have a Backup data file to use the Restore feature.

You can use the More > Clear all option to remove all your data at any time.

Sharing data: The only way to share or transfer your data with another device, (for example, if you got a new phone) is with the Backup and Restore features.