[Android] - Learn Korean Offline - Hangul - $14.99 - Free Today!

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Developer: FLUA Travel
Price: Free
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👉Those who mainly use English and want to learn Korean can study as a Korean word master.
The first thing to learn is the Korean alphabet. You can learn Korean characters and pronunciations entirely by looking at sheets with consonants and vowels of Hangeul.
The next step is to solve the Korean word quiz.
This makes it easy to learn the exact meaning of many Korean words that are difficult to memorize, consisting of 1,100 words for beginners, 3,600 words for intermediate levels, and 2,000 words for advanced people.
Many of these contents help you achieve sustainable growth from beginner to advanced.

👉After solving the quiz, you can do additional repetitive learning through the wrong answer review.
You can also practice basic Korean conversation through quizzes, so you may not be embarrassed when you meet a Korean person while traveling.
Voice (TTS) is also supported for all of these words and conversational sentences so that you can learn the pronunciation of words correctly.

👉We hope that you will be able to speak Korean fluently soon.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact crispysoftcompany@gmail.com.

👉Thank you.