[Android] - imaCrop - image crop and scale - $1.99 - Free Today!

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Price: $1.99
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Crop a part of your image / photo and automatically scale to the desired size. Crop to rectangle or other shapes by using mask images (circle, diamond, heart, squircle, star, etc.)
Can also import and use your own mask images.

- 10 output size presets to choose from
- output sizes customizable in app settings
- 25 mask images (crop by shape) to choose from
- option to import your own mask images
- set output image format JPG / PNG
- set output JPEG quality
- set output background color (transparency also supported for PNG output)
- buttons to save / share the resulting cropped image
- app can be launched by intent from other apps (view image / edit image) for *.jpg, *.png and *.heic formats