[Windows] - FRONTLEAD - $180.00 - For a Limited Time Only!

FRONTLEAD is automated software to create forms, funnels, surveys, personal analysis, tests, questionnaires… with automated personal reply function. Perfect for entrepreneurs, marketers, coaches, consultants! FRONTLEAD provides automated personal approaches and evaluations. ChatGPT can be used to quickly and easily create questions, answers and replies.

> What is FRONTLEAD?

FRONTLEAD allows you to create forms, surveys and funnels quickly and easily. Automated (personal) analyses can be created. The system also offers the possibility of automatically addressing users personally. This gives the impression that there is contact with a real person.

Overall, the system also offers the advantage of saving time and money, automatically creating analyses and personally addressing users.

> What are the benefits of the auto-reply feature?

FRONTLEAD enables the creation of automated personal analyses. As a result, you can address your customers individually and automatically by e-mail. This saves time and money and gives customers the impression of personal support.

P.S.: We have added a time delay to the response function in this automated process so it seems more realistic that it is a personal answer by a real person. Otherwise, our system would react too quickly for it to appear real.

> Can FRONTLEAD be integrated into my website?

Yes, of course! Take advantage of the fact that users remain on your website. The service applies to all your websites, in unlimited numbers.

> Can I also use FRONTLEAD without my own website?

Yes, of course! FRONTLEAD is also available as a link option.

> How much time do I need for creation?

That mainly depends on the scope and implementation. Simple surveys or first funnels can be created in just a few minutes. You can then continuously develop and adapt these. An average tool can usually be implemented after about 30 minutes. Remember: In this short time you usually don’t have an agency commissioned to carry out a survey! Not to mention the follow-up costs…

> Can I insert images or is there an image database?

Of course you can insert your own images! But that’s not all. Icons and videos can also be integrated into the FRONTLEAD tools.

> Will the automated e-mails be sent from my own e-mail address?

Yes, no external mailing service is required. It will be sent using the e-mail address you specified.

> Can I install a conversion tracking code from Facebook, Google & Co?

Yes, of course! By installing it on your own website, you can run the tracking directly via your own domain. This approach generally facilitates individualized adjustments.

> Is there a score function?

Yes, FRONTLEAD has an integrated score function! It can show how many points the users have scored. The personalized final results can be displayed on the thank you page at the end or sent automatically by e-mail.

> Can I transfer and use my logo/corporate design?

Yes! FRONTLEAD enables individual adaptation to your brand identity.

> Does FRONTLEAD provide templates for the tools?

Yes! When you register, you will receive 18 templates that you can access. These can be adopted as they are or you can easily adapt them to your needs.

> Do I see a preview while creating?

Yes, you will see a live preview as you create! So you always have the perfect overview.

> Is FRONTLEAD GDPR compliant?

Of course! Our system was successfully checked for legal security by an IT law firm.

> What is the purpose of the payment function at FRONTLEAD?

You can activate the payment function if you create high-quality automated analyses in which you make your knowledge available as a service. In this way, FRONTLEAD can also be used as a serious monetization tool.

> How does the payment function work?

When creating the project, select the payment function. Then enter the net price for your offer (e.g.,creating an analysis).

The customers/users click on a button in the active project. The payment page then opens. After the data is entered, the system sends an e-mail with a link. This contains the license key for the one-time execution and initiates the final payment process. At the end of the process, the user/customer will receive payment confirmation by e-mail.

It is also possible to integrate (free ) license keys which can be used to access your own online products (e.g., e-books).

The Payment function and connection with external providers is not included in this plan.


> For Online-Marketers & Agencies: Are you already using the latest option for generating high-quality leads for you and your customers? FRONTLEAD is the most individual marketing software for online marketers and agencies!

> For Consultants, Coaches & Trainers: Attract new customers with your individual online marketing software.

> For Imaginative Entrepreneurs: Save time and money by using FRONTLEAD to allure new customers.

> For Exceptional Speakers & Artists: Give your audience added value on your topics, even after your presentation. As a bonus, you can expand your mailing list automatically with high-quality leads.

> For Online Shops: Discover & Advise… Automatic discovery and advice will lead you to more sales.

> For Automatic Support: Installation of automated & personal support.

> For Paid Analyses: Are you an expert and do you want to make money from your knowledge? No problem! Generate and sell high-quality analyses.

> For Health & Beauty: Suitable products & services based on customer needs for a nice, healthy first impression.

> For Finance: Suitable offers & services based on customer needs, finalized automatically.

> For Tripwire & Free-Plus-Shipping Funnels: Receive more leads by using FRONTLEAD at the start of your funnel to attract your customer with a tripwire or free-plus-shipping product.

> For Sweepstakes With Personal Replies: Generate high-quality leads by using sweepstakes with value or free products.

> For Smart Job Applications & Recruitment: Find out if a person is suitable for your product, a special service, a job or for network marketing by asking well-directed questions.

> For Online Tests & Examinations: Create high quality tests & examinations very quickly and easily – with an automatically generated report.

Sale ends 7/1/2023 at 3:00 PM