[Android] - MyndTrack - Free Today!

Developer: MyndPlay Ltd
Price: Free
  • MyndTrack Screenshot
  • MyndTrack Screenshot
  • MyndTrack Screenshot

MyndTrack connects with the MyndBand EEG Headset to let you take your brainwaves everywhere you go. Synchronise Video with brainwaves to track and monitor how different activities from meditation to cycling affect your mental focus and calm or use the simple visualiser to do neurofeedback and train your brain to optimise performance, reduce burnout and increase emotional intelligence.

MyndTrack also allows you to synchronise your GPS and Google Maps to generate route maps with an overlay of your focus, calm and zone to see how different routes, areas and locations affect your mood. Geotag your emotions with MyndTrack.

If you prefer to track your brainwaves to audio content you can also use the MyndTools section to open up your own guided meditation or music tracks and see how your brainwaves react in realtime along with your focus and calm.

MyndTrack and MyndBand makes brain tracking as easy as a Fitbit for your mind.